Found: 171 entries
- addling , [vbl. sb.]
- agonal , [a.]
- aldermanic , [a.]
- alkalinous [a.]
- amentum .
- amoroso , [a.] and [adv.]
- ardurous [a.]
- assonancy
- atherine .
- attrited , [ppl. a.]
- average , [a.]
- a-wallop [advb. phr.]
- balance .
- bataunt
- bilobated [a.]
- blackball , [v.]
- blackwash [v.]
- blowzy , [a.]
- bract .
- bracteal , [a.]
- brayer (3) .
- bricking .
- brock [sb. 5]
- burrass
- bush-harrow , [sb.]
- Cambodian , [a.] and [sb.]
- champac .
- circumnavigator .
- coagulant , [sb.]
- coating , [vbl. sb.]
- colliby
- colonization .
- commenstruate [v.]
- consol .
- corf
- country cousin
- crim. con
- cross-stone
- dartsman
- deorsum [adv.]
- diandrous , [a.]
- dibbler .
- directorial , [a.]
- disconnect , [v.]
- dissimilarly , [adv.]
- dump [sb. 2]
- educating [ppl. a.]
- Epsom .
- Etonian , [sb.]
- fancy dress [sb.]
- forcibility .
- froghood .
- gambol , [sb.]
- genre .
- gleditschia .
- Gordonia .
- grog , [sb.]
- groggy , [a.]
- guhr .
- guitarist .
- gutturality .
- ha [sb. 1]
- Handelian , [a.] and [sb.]
- helepole .
- hookah .
- hornblende .
- horn-silver
- hydrocephale
- incapacitation .
- ineligible , [a.]
- isochronism .
- Jacobean , [a.] ( [sb.] )
- jockeying , [vbl. sb.]
- kang .
- leather-jacket
- legatarian [a.]
- log cabin
- looer .
- lunel (1) .
- madderlen
- manis .
- mirability
- modernization .
- monocotyledonous , [a.]
- monogamous , [a.]
- monographer .
- mungo (2)
- night-soil
- non-importation
- Norn , [sb. 1]
- nostalgia .
- nylghau .
- nymphaeum .
- operetta .
- outfence [v.]
- out-winterer
- Pawnee , [sb. 2] (and [a.] )
- permissioned , [a.]
- petrosilex .
- pibcorn
- picarini
- pitch-blende .
- planned , [ppl. a.]
- plumpish [a.]
- poke [sb. 2]
- polytheistic , [a.]
- preterea .
- prevenant , [a.] and [sb.]
- primevity primaevity
- provincialism .
- psht pshut , [int.]
- pulveratrix .
- punctiliously [adv.]
- quoll .
- Ragnarok .
- rail , [v. 6]
- remanet .
- remittitur .
- repetitor .
- romanticalness
- rommack [v.]
- rumgumption .
- scalpless , [a.]
- scambling , [vbl. sb.]
- sealer , [sb. 2]
- secreted , [ppl. a. 2]
- sellery
- sentimentality .
- septagon , [a.]
- sherry [a.]
- sleigh-ride [sb.]
- slug-horn (1)
- snubby [a. 1]
- sparse , [a.] ( [adv.] )
- stalactitical , [a.]
- statistics .
- stirabout .
- stummy [a.]
- surgical , [a.] ( [sb.] )
- swatch , [sb. 1]
- tail [v. 3]
- teresa
- terminator .
- throwing-stick
- tickle , [sb. 1]
- tippling [vbl. sb. 2]
- tollent , [a.]
- tree sparrow
- tufa .
- tungsten .
- unacquitted [ppl. a.]
- unclotted [ppl. a.]
- uncoagulated [ppl. a.]
- unexaggerated [ppl. a.]
- unexecuting [ppl. a.]
- unknelled [ppl. a.]
- unpalled [ppl. a. 1]
- unplaced [ppl. a.]
- unpresuming [ppl. a.]
- unsalutary [a.]
- unslackened [ppl. a.]
- unsystematic [a.]
- vice , [prep.]
- wahoo (1) .
- wallop , [sb.]
- water-mole
- whitewashed , [ppl. a.]
- writability
- yellow dog
- Yggdrasil .
- zemindary .