ENG201Y Reading poetry (Percy -- L5101)


Two kinds of assignments for this section of ENG201Y


1.      I would like our discussions to continue through the week (and through the year), and for a few reasons have decided to try “bulletin board” software rather than email for these discussions.

·         Your (informed, intelligent, reflective, articulate, courteous) postings will count as “class participation”; they will not be graded. This is a change from the process described in the course syllabus.

·         Discussion should, of course, relate to the course readings (past, present, or future).

·         You will post your thoughts on the “bulletin board” on the WebCT site. They will be read by everybody in the course.

·         Quality, not quantity, please.


2. As explained in the course syllabus, another 5% of your grade will be derived from the best 2 (2 x 2.5% = 5%) “directed responses” to one of the week’s texts.

·         By noon on the Tuesday before class, you’ll write a rich, coherent, 250-word response to one of the upcoming texts for discussion on Wednesday (i.e. before we have discussed it in class).

·         I’ll announce the directions in class, the week before (and will post them on the “Chass” web site a week beforehand). Typical directions may include “show how several rhymes in an upcoming poem contribute to your interpretation of its meaning”. You are welcome to write as many of these as you like.

·         You will leave this assignment in the “assignment drop box” on the WebCT site. Only I will read it.

·         The first “directed reading” will be assigned on Wednesday October 2nd, for Tuesday October 8th.



This week’s challenges:

Registering your presence on WebCT and contributing to the “bulletin board”


1. From the “chass” web page, go to U of T’s “courseware” page:



Do you have a “WebCT” global ID from a previous life? If “NO”, go to step 2. If “YES”, go to step 5.


2.      Since you do not have a “WebCT” profile, you’ll need to create one. Click on “Create myWebCT”.


3.      Enter your personal information. You will have to compose a “WebCT ID” and a password that goes with it. You will use this frequently – don’t forget it.


4.      Click “continue”. You’ll then be prompted for an ID and a password. Use the one that you’ve just created.


5.      You’ll then be on “myWebCT”. It’s time to add a course: click on that link, upper left.


6.      You have to find our course among all the other English courses. Choose the left-hand column, Category, and click on English.


7.      Then choose our course: ENG201Y1Y: Reading Poetry (Percy 2002).


8.      Now you’ll be asked for the username and password that I’ve given you: your surname is your username and your student # is your password. This is, apparently, the only time that you will use this username and ID.


9.      Almost there! Click on Go to course.


10.   Please click on the Bulletin board icon and make a contribution.


11.   Keep an eye out for the “Assignment drop box” – I’m still getting the hang of this.



This is the first time that I’ve taught “Reading poetry” as a night class, and the first time that I’ve used WebCT and its “Bulletin board” features.

Thank you in advance for your patience and courtesy – and participation.