ENG367Y (2002-2003): Term 2 outline syllabus

||Second term research paper, due April 4th||

Required readings for this term are from Crystal's Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language and from MIllward's Biography of the English language, 2nd ed. Also, have a look at the ever-expanding Encyclopedia of the cultural and linguistic history of English that my graduate students are compiling!

I also strongly encourage you to take advantage of online resources for studying OE, especially Murray McGillivray's course at the University of Calgary. Click here if you're trying to find McGillivray's grammar paradigms.

Please bring Rigg's The English Language: a Historical Reader to every class. Numbers (e.g. "Rigg 2") stand for the chapter - i.e., the account of Noah and his ark. The more familiar you are with the modern English, the more you will get out of the class. Remind me to give you a word-for-word translation of the first few extracts from Rigg!

There are also resources online for the study of ME.

Suffer from Seasonally Affective Depression? Procrastinating? Try out Mr Potato Head online.

Course outline:

January 7: Review of Early Modern English, facsimiles of Lowth's grammar and some dictionaries

January 14: English as an Indo-European and Germanic language

Recognizing Old English (OE) words: OE writing and spelling January 21: OE vocabulary, OE syntax 1 (within clauses) January 28: OE grammar: the noun phrase (nouns, pronouns, demonstratives, and perhaps adjectives!); uninflected word classes; & some common and irregular verbs (be, will, do, go). February 4: OE phonology & OE grammar (weak verbs, verb endings) February 11: OE grammar (strong verbs, preterite-present verbs) February 18: READING WEEK

February 25: OE vocabulary (review), OE syntax

March 4: Middle English (ME) background; vocabulary; dialects March 11: ME spelling & phonology March 18: ME noun phrase March 25: ME verb phrase April 1: ME syntax April 8: fun and finality