The PDE lexicon and the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Due: October 18th,
2001. Late penalty: 2% per day.
Length: about 1500 words
(6 typed pages)
NAME on the report.
Objectives: To use the electronic OED and McArthur’s Oxford Companion to the English Language
to determine the influence of one
of (Chinese, Japanese, African languages, Spanish) on British English, and
to assess the advantages and
disadvantages of the OED for
answering this question.
Instructions: Classifying and interpreting the
data from the OED, summarize the
influence of African language(s) OR Japanese OR Chinese OR Spanish on British
English. You might consider (1) whether the words come from particular semantic
fields, (2) when the borrowings date from, (3) how well integrated they are
into British English. (4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the OED for answering this question?
Your source: You can and should read a little
about the history of the OED in Crystal (443) and Millward (305). But your best source of information is the
entry for "Oxford English Dictionary" in
McArthur, Tom. The Oxford Companion to the English Language.
Oxford: Oxford
Press, 1992. PE 1625 O85 1992 GENR, UNIV; PE 1072 O9 1992 TRIF, VUPR.
The twenty-volume second edition
of the OED (1989) is available in
hard copy in many college libraries (not New College, however) and in Robarts:
The Oxford English Dictionary =[OED]. Ed.
J.A. Simpson and E.S.C. Weiner. 2nd ed. 20
vols. Oxford:
Clarendon, 1989. PE 1625 M7 1989. Fourth floor of Robarts library, but out of
sequence (in the apex).
The second edition of the OED
was generated from electronic text (with software developed at the University
of Waterloo), and is now available on line at
Now that an electronic OED
exists, its editorial practices, past and present, can be described, sometimes
with frightening accuracy. The Appendix
of Tables in John Willinsky's Empire of Words: the Reign of the OED
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994) shows us that Shakespeare, Scott,
Milton, Wyclif, and Chaucer were the top 5 authors cited in the first edition
of the OED, for instance, and that Shaw, Kipling, Joyce, Wodehouse, and
Lawrence were the top 5 authors cited in the Supplement.
An electronic OED can be
searched not just for "headwords", but for words occurring in
particular fields - the "etymology" field, for instance. You can even search the whole entry: when
writing a paper on the eighteenth-century phrase "sterling English",
I was happy to discover all sorts of occurrences of the word
"sterling" that weren't under that headword.
retrieval programs have an irritating habit of presenting you with exactly what
you asked them to find:
The fact that a
word (e.g., "Greek", "African") occurs in the etymology
field doesn't mean that the word itself is derived from Greek: the Greek word
might just be a cognate form. This is a particular problem for Spanish: you’ll
often find that if a word is borrowed from French, that the OED editors have presented us with
cognate forms from Italian and Spanish.
Your string
(“Afri”) may pull up data that has nothing to do with an African language. When
I initially searched for the string "Afr" in the etymology field, I
found that it picked up "AFr" - Anglo-French - as well as
"African", "Afrikaans", &c. Keep this in mind.