Here is the OED for you to play with.
Topic 1: alligator, banana (Tim), canoe (Alex), chocolate (Cheratra),
(Rebecca), coffee
(Zach), embargo
(Brad), guitar (Dale), ketchup (Senka),
maize (Susana),
moose (Andrea), plunder, potato, sherris (Jennifer), tea (Jan), tobacco
traffic; a
word of your
choice (non-classical, trade/colonial, pre-1700). Stop press:
Topic 2: barbarian/barbarous (Jen), cannibal (Jan), caste (Susana),
creole (Tim),
horde, India/n (Senka),
Mussulman (Alex), native, negro (Cheratra), nigger (Brad), pariah (Zach),
savage (Dale), Shemite (Rebecca), tribe (Dan),
vulgar (Andrea); a
word of your choice (denoting "Others")
Topic 3 (if you don't like Topic 1 or Topic 2): Use Ian
Lancashire's Early Modern
English Dictionaries Database to identify what kinds of headwords are
included in early English-English dictionaries (i.e., not
English-Italian or Latin-English) and how they are
treated. Pick a semantic field where you expect to find "native" words coexisting with "hard" words (anatomy, disease?), or pick a semantic field that you're just plain interested in. Words might include: bugger, piss, pox, dictionar* ...
In order to use EMEDD, you'll need to get a password. You can do this independently, or may email CP for her "class" password.