ME pronunciation: Reading Chaucer


Assume that every letter counts: /ç/ is still around, /ηg/ hasn’t become /η/, and you pronounce the <i> in words ending in <-ion>


<Knyght>            /knIçt/

<yonge>              /jUηg*/

<specially>          /spεsjali/

<condicioun>     /k)ndisiun/


Except perhaps for word-initial /h/ in French words!

<hostelrye>         /)st*lri*/


There are some systematic differences with the short vowels


<er> is /εr/, not /^r/      (/r/ does weird things to the preceding vowel, cf. university and varsity, person and parson)


<vertu>      /vεrty/

<erly>        /εrli/


/U/ (OE <u>, ME <o> or <u>) is still rounded in words like come


<come>               /kUm/

<yonge>              /jUηg*/


Remember that long vowels are pronounced very differently

-haven’t gone through the Great Vowel Shift

-like modern European languages / the IPA symbols:

basically, space /α:/, seke /e/, ryse /i/, soote /o/, flour /u/


So, long <a> /a:/ roughly as in ‘father, car’

<bathed>             /ba:ð*d/

<made>               /ma:d*/

<take>                 /ta:k*/


And <ay> is lower too: roughly /æi/

<day>                  /dæi/

<lay>                   /læi/


There are 2 ‘long e’s: one from OE /e/ and /eo/, often PDE <ee>


<slepen>             /slep*n/

<seke>                 /sek*/

<degree>             /d*gre/


And one from the OE <æ:> that ends up as PDE <ea>

In ME, it’s pronounced like a long version of the ‘e’ in ‘pet’: /ε:/


<breeth>             /br ε:θ/

<heeth>               /h ε:θ/

<seson>               /s ε:zun/


ME long <i,y> /i/:

<shires>              /šir*z/

<ryse>                 /riz*/

<devyse>             /d*viz*/


ME long <o> /o/:

<soote>               /sot*/

<roote>               /rot*/


ME long <ou> /u/:

<shoures>           /šur*z/

<flour>                /flur/

<resoun>             /rεzun/