What eyleth thee, man? What is it that hath cast
thee in to morninge
and in to wepinge? I trowe that thou hast seyn som newe thing
uncouth. Thou wenest that Fortune be chaunged ayein thee;
but thou
wenest wrong, yif thou that wene. Alwey tho ben hir maneres; she
hath rather kept, as to thee-ward, hir propre stablenesse in the chaunginge
of hirself. Right swich was she whan she flatered thee, and
thee with unleveful lykinges of fals welefulnesse. Thou hast
now knowen
and ataynt the doutous or double visage of thilke blinde goddesse Fortune.
She, that yit covereth hir and wimpleth hir to other folk, hath
shewed hir every-del to thee. Yif thou aprovest hir and thenkest
she is good, use hir maneres and pleyne thee nat. And yif
thou agrysest
hir false trecherye, despyse and cast awey hir that pleyeth so harmfully;
for she, that is now cause of so muche sorwe to thee, sholde
ben cause
to thee of pees and of Ioye. She hath forsaken thee, forsothe,
whiche that never man may ben siker that she ne shal forsake him.