"Why do ye mortall men seeke outwardly
your felicitie within you?
Error and blyndnes confoundes you. I will shew the shortly
thressholl of thy felicitie. Is there to the ought more precious
than thy
selfe?" "Nothing", quoth I . "Then if thou be wise,
thou shalt
possesse that nether thou canst lose, nor fortune take away. And
thou mayste knowe felicitie not to stand in happing chaunces, considir
this. Yf happynes be the greatest good of nature lyuing by
reason, nor
hit the greatest good that may be taken away, the cause hit doth exceede
that may not so, It is manifest, that fortunes change can not attayn
the getting of bliss. Besydes, whom falling felicitie caryes,
knowith her, or seeth her mutabilitie. Yf he be ignorant,
what happy
luck can blynde felicitie haue? Yf he know it, he must needes
to lose that he is sure can not be kepte. His contynuall feare then,
his happynes. Or if he haue lost, will he not care for it? for
should be a slender good that a man wold easely lose.