On frugal acorns sparely fed.
No skill was theirs the luscious grape
With honey's sweetness to confuse;
Nor China's soft and sheeny silks
T' empurple with brave Tyrian hues.
The grass their wholesome couch,their
The stream,their roof the pine's tall
Nor theirs to cleave the deep,nor seek
In strange far lands the spoils of trade.
The trump of war was heard not yet,
Nor soiled the fields by bloodshed's
For why should war's fierce madness arm
When strife brought wound, but brought
not gain?
Ah! would our hearts might still return
To following in those ancient ways.
Alas ! the greed of getting glows
More fierce than Etna's fiery blaze.
Woe, woe for him, whoe'er it was,
Who first gold's hidden store revealed,
And - perilous treasure-trove - dug out
The gems that fain would be concealed!