Benvenuto Cellini, Life, translated by Thomas Nugent, 1771
In a few days the pope ſent for me, after dinner, and the abovementioned
perſon of diſtinction was preſent. No ſooner was I
come, but his holineſs ſent for the button of his pontifical cope,
which has been already deſcribed : in the mean time I produced my chalice
; upon ſeeing which, the gentleman declared he had never beheld ſo
extraordinary a piece of work in his life. The button being brought, his
ſurpriſe was greatly encreaſed : he looked at me attentively
and ſaid, He's but a young man, and therefore the better able to
make a fortune. He then aſked me my name. I anſwered, Benvenuto.
He replied, alluding to my name, Upon this occaſion I am
welcome to you ; take lilly of the valley with its ſtalk, flower,
and beard all together, diſtill them with a gentle fire, bathe your eyes
with the water ſeveral times a-day, and you will certainly get rid of your
complaint ; but before you begin the bathing, take phyſick. The pope
ſpoke kindly to me, and I left him, tolerably well pleaſed with my
'Tis fact that I had the diſorder in queſtion, but am inclined
to think that I got it during my connection with the fine girl I co-habited
with, when I was robbed. The diſorder remained latent for above four months,
and then broke out at once : the only external ſymptom by which
it ſhewed itſelf, was by covering me all over with little red bliſters,
about the bigneſs of a farthing ; the phyſicians would never
call it by its right name, I mean, that of the French diſtemper, though
I told them the cauſes to which I aſcribed it. They continued
to treat me their own way, but I received no benefit from their preſcriptions.
At laſt I reſolved, contrary to the advice of the moſt
eminent phyſicians of Rome, to have recourſe to lignum vitæ
; this I took with all the precautions and abſtinence imaginable,
and recovering ſurpriſingly in the ſpace of fifty days, was perfectly
cured, and as ſound as a roach. Then by way of recreation after
what I had gone through, winter approaching, I took the diverſion of fowling
; this made me wade through brooks, face ſtorms, and paſs my
time in marſhy grounds ; ſo that in a few days, I was attacked by
a diſorder an hundred times more ſevere than the former. I
put myself a ſecond time into the hands of phyſicians, and found I
grew worſe every day by their medicines ; my diſorder being
attended with a fever, I propoſed to take lignum vitæ, but the phyſicians
oppoſed it, aſſuring me that if I meddled with it, whilſt
the fever was upon me, I ſhould die in a week. I reſolved however
to take it, even againſt their opinion, obſerving the ſame regimen
as before : after I had for four days drunk the decoction of lignum vitæ,
the fever totally left me, and I began to recover ſurpriſingly.
Whilſt I was taking this wood, I went on with the model of the
work abovementioned, and abſtinence ſharpening my invention, I performed
the fineſt things and of the moſt admirable invention, that I ever
did in my life. In fifty days I was perfectly recovered, and afterwards
gave my chief attention to the preſervation of my health. This long
purgation being at laſt over, I found myſelf as thoroughly cured of
my diſorder, as if I had been new born ; and though I took pleaſure
in ſecuring my much wiſhed for health, I continued to work both on
the job abovementioned, and for the mint ; and did as much as could reaſonably
be expected from the moſt diligent artificer.