To make Meagre Broth for Soups with Herbs.
SET on the Fire a
Kettle of Water, put in it ſome
Cruſts of Bread, and all Sorts of
Herbs, green Beets,
Sellery, Endive, Lettice, Sorrel, green Onions,
Chervil, with a good Piece of Butter, and a Bunch
ſweet Herbs ; boil it for an Hour and a Half, then ſtrain
off; this will ſerve to make Artichoke or Aſparagus,
or Soup de
ſanté with Herbs; ſeaſon it with Salt, Pepper,
Jamaica Pepper ; cut the Herbs groſly, and it
will be a very
good Soup, boiling a good Lump of
Butter with the Herbs, putting
toaſted Bread in the
Diſh ; but take out the Bulk of the ſweet
To make Scots Barley Broth.
BOIL a Hough
of Beef in eight Pints of Water,
and a Pound of Barley on a ſlow Fire;
let it boil to four
Pints ; then put in Onions, Pepper, Salt and
if you like them, or you may put in Greens and
A Calf's Head Soup.
TAKE a Calf's Head, ſtew
it tender; then ſtrain
off the Liquor, and put in a Bunch of ſweet
Onions, Salt, Pepper, Mace, and ſome fine Barley,
boil it
till the Barley and Head is done; then ſerve
it with the Head in the
To make Mutton Broth.
TAKE about ſix Pounds
of Mutton, boil it in
three Scots Pints of Water, with ſweet
Herbs, Onions,
two or three Turnips, a Quarter of a Pound of
Barley or Rice, Salt and Pepper; a little before you
take it
up, put in it a Handful of chopped Parſley.
To make another
Barley Broth.
TAKE a Neck and Breaſt of Mutton, cut it to
Pieces, put as much Water as will cover it; when
it boils ſkim it;
put in Barley, diced Carots, Tur-
nips, Onions, a Faggot of Thyme and
Pepper and Salt, ſtove all well together; you may
put in
a Sheep's Head, but firſt ſinge and ſcrape it,
and ſoak it well in
Water; to make this green, put
Beet Leaves, Brocoli, and green Onions,
all ſhred
An Eel Soup.
according to the Quantity of Soup you
would have ; a Pound
of Eels will make a Mutchkin of
Soup ; to every Pound of
Eels add a Chopin of Water,
a Crust of Bread, two or three
Blades of Mace, whole
Pepper, an Onion, and a Faggot of
sweet Herbs; co-
ver them cloſs [sic], and let them boil till Half
the Liquor is
waſted ; then strain it, and put Toasts of
Bread cut in
Dice in the Dish, then pour on your Soup ; you
put Forc'd meat Balls made of Fish, or Bread, in it.
make Eſcarlot Beef.
TAKE a Briſket of Beef, half a Pound of
Sugar, two Ounces of Bay Salt, one Ounce of
petre, a Pound of common Salt: mix all together,
rub the Beef, put it in an Earthen Pan, and turn it
very Day: Let it lie a Fortnight in the Pickle,
boil it with Savoys, or a Peaſe Pudding. It eats
well cold.
Ox Tongues à la
BOIL and blanch and lard it, then brown it
and ſtove it one Hour in good Gravy and Broth ;
ſon it with Pepper, Salt, Cloves, and a Faggot
of ſweet
Herbs ; put in Morels, Truffles, Muſhrooms,
breads, and Artichoke Bottoms ; ſkim off the
Fat, and
ſerve them either hot or cold.
To ſtew
a Rump of Beef.
CUT off the large Bone, that it may lye flat in the
Stew-pan, ſcore the Inſide, and ſeaſon it with Pepper,
Salt, Cloves and Mace; ſhred a little Thyme, Parſley,
Winter Savoury, and ſweet Marjoram; put Seaſoning
between every Score if you like it; lard it with Ba-
con, and a Slice of Bacon laid in every Score: Put it
in your Stew-pot with a Pint of Water, a little Rockam-
bole or Shalots; let it ſtew on a gentle Fire for two
Hours, then turn it, and make a Ragoo of Palates and
Eyes, Forc'd - meat Balls and Kernels, with ſome of the
Liquor it is ſtewed in ; thicken it with brown'd Butter
and Flour : Put in your Ragoo a half Mutchkin of
white Wine and the Juice of a Lemon, the Grate of a
Nutmeg, and Muſhrooms if you have them. You may
make a Ragoo for it if you pleaſe the ſame Way, of
Carots, Turnips, Artichoke Bottoms, Truffles, Morels,
Muſhrooms and Oiſters : You may ſtew any Piece of
Beef the ſame Way. Boil your Roots before you put
them in your Ragoo.