Recipes from, The British Housewife, by Martha Bradley, 1770?

                 3. A Ragoo of Beef.

   Beef for ragooing muſt be properly choſen : There
muſt be no Bone in it. The Fleſh of a Rump cut
off is excellent; or a Piece of the thick Flank will
do ; or any other that is all Meat and has ſome Fat
to it. Let it be a thick ſhort Piece.
   When this Piece of Beef is ready, make ſome Gravy
in the following Manner : Take a Pound and a Half
of ſome ordinary Piece of Beef cut ſmall, half a Pound
of ſome coarſe Part of Veal, and a quarter of a Pound
of Bacon. Cut the Bacon into thin Pieces, and
throw it into a Pan of ſharp Vinegar. Let it lie there
till the other Ingredients are got ready. Cut an Onion
into thin Slices, and ſhred ſome Thyme fine, with a
ſmall Sprig of Winter-Savoury ; to theſe put half a
ſmall Carrot, three Blades of Mace, a little Bay Salt,
a little Pepper, and four Cloves : Put theſe Ingredi-
ents into a Saucepan with a Quart of Water : Let
them ſimmer a little ; then put in the Beef, Veal, and
Bacon, and let it boil till half is waſted. Toward the
End of the Time put in a good Toaſt, brown and
hard, but not burnt, and broke to Pieces. Give it
a few Boils more, then ſtrain off the Gravy.
   Now flour the Piece of Beef that was laid ready for
ragooing, and putting it in a Stew-pan with a Piece of
Butter, fry it brown all over ; when it is well browned,
pour in a Quart of Water, ſtew it well with this, and
afterwards put in the Gravy which has been ſtrained
off for that Purpoſe. When all is in, cover up the
Stew-pan and let it ſtew gently ; after ſome time open
it, put in an Ounce of Truffles, a Quarter of an
Ounce of Morells, half a dozen dried Muſhroons,
and two Spoonfuls of Catchup; after ſtewing ſome
time with this, throw in a Couple of Artichoak Bot-
toms and half a dozen pickled Muſhroons : when
this is done, let it have a Boil or two, then take
out the Meat, lay it in a Diſh, and pour the Sauce
over it.
   This is a troubleſome Diſh, and ſome, who are no
Judges of the Principles of Cookery, may think it
wrong for having ſo many Ingredients, ſeveral of
which they may think uſeleſs ; but it is from this
Mixture of Taſtes, properly ſuited and proportioned,
that we have the true high Flavour of the French
Cookery. When this is done properly, no one In-
gredient is taſted, but a fine mellow Mixture of all.

   ART. I. Barley Broth the Scotch Way.

SET on a large Pot with a Pail full of Water,
and let it not be above two Thirds filled with this
Quantity ; chop a Leg of Beef all to Pieces, breaking
the Bones in every Part, and cut into ſquare Pieces a
good Bunch of ſound thick Carrots ; boil theſe to-
gether in the Water till half is conſumed ; toward
the End of the boiling put in a good large Cruſt of
a brown Loaf toaſted and broke to Pieces.
   When this is well ſoftened, and the Gravy is rich,
ſtrain it off.
Put it into a ſmaller Pot, and add to it half a Pound
of French Barley ; clean eight Heads of Celeri, waſh
ſome ſweet Herbs, and cut two or three good Onions,
chop the Celeri to Pieces, and put all in ; let this all
boil together twenty Minutes.
Then pick and waſh a large Fowl, put it in, and
at this Time add ſome Parſley chopped ſmall, and a
Nip of Marygolds ; cover it up, and let it boil an
Hour longer ; then take it off, take out the Fowl,
and lay it in the Middle of the Diſh ; take out the
Onion and ſweet Herbs, and then pour in the Broth.
This is an excellent, rich, and well-taſted Soup, and
is very wholſome.

                        4. Soup Lorain.

    Boil down about eight Pounds of Veal and a large
Fowl, and make as ſtrong a Broth from them as poſ-
ſible ; ſtrain this off, and ſet it ready.
   Put into an earthen Veſſel a Pound of ſweet Al-
monds, pour boiling Water upon them, let it ſtand
a few Minutes, when the Skins are looſe throw them
into a Sieve, and as they cool blanch them ; that is,
take off the Skins, which thus ſlip off eaſily.
   Put theſe blanched Almonds into a marble Mortar,
beat them to a Paſte, and add at Times a little of the
Broth to bring them to a Body.
   Boil four Eggs very ſlightly, break them, ſeparate
the Yolks and add to this Paſte in the Mortar ; grind
and work all well together.
   Then pick off all the Lean of a couple of roaſted
Pullets, beat this with the reſt in the Mortar ; let all
be broke to Pieces, and perfectly blended together.
   Set on the ſtrained Broth, and when it boils put
to it the Cruſt of a French Roll cut into Slices; let
this boil about two Minutes, then put in all that is
in the Mortar ; let the whole once boil up together,
to perfect the mixing of the Ingredients, then pour it
through a fine Strainer while very hot : It will come
out like a fine Cream. Lay ſome French Bread, dried
before the Fire, and then moiſtened in the Broth, in
a Diſh, and pour in this Soup, laying a very ſmall
boiled Chicken in the Middle.
   This is the Way in which the French at preſent
moſt commonly eat Soup Lorrain ; but as ſome add
to it a Loaf, and other Ingredients, we ſhall not
leave the Cook uninſtructed how to do that in the
beſt Manner.
   The Loaf was the old Way of eating it, and
for People that love very rich Diſhes it is the beſt.