Recipes from, The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, by Hannah Glasse?, 1778

               To ragoo a Piece of Beef.
   TAKE a large piece of the flank, which has fat at the top, cut
ſquare, or any piece that is all meat, and has fat at the top,
but no bones. The rump does well. Cut all nicely off the
bone (which makes fine ſoup); then take a large ſtew-pan, and
with a good piece of butter fry it a little brown all over, flour-
ing your meat well before you put it into the pan, then pour in
as much gravy as will cover it, made thus : take about a pound
of coarſe beef, a little piece of veal cut ſmall, a bundle of ſweet
herbs, an onion, ſome whole black pepper and white pepper,
two or three large blades of mace, four or five cloves, a piece of
carrot, a little piece of bacon ſteeped in vinegar a little while,
a cruſt of bread toaſted brown; put to this a quart of water, and
let it boil till half is waſted. While this is making, pour a
quart of boiling water into the ſtew-pan, cover it cloſe, and
let it be ſtewing ſoftly ; when the gravy is done ſtrain it, pour
it into the pan where the beef is, take an ounce of truffles and
morels cut ſmall, ſome freſh or dried muſhrooms cut ſmall,
two ſpoonfuls of catchup, and cover it cloſe. Let all this ſtew
till the ſauce is rich and thick: then have ready ſome arti-
choke-bottoms cut into four, and a few pickled muſhrooms,
give them a boil or two, and when your meat is tender and
your ſauce quite rich, lay the meat into a diſh and pour the
ſauce over it. You may add a ſweetbread cut in ſix pieces, a
palate ſtewed tender cut into little pieces, ſome cocks-combs,
and a few force-meat balls. Theſe are a great addition, but
it will be good without.
   Note, for variety, when the beef is ready and the gravy put
to it, add a large bunch of celery cut ſmall and waſhed clean,
two ſpoonfuls of catchup, and a glaſs of red-wine. Omit all
the other ingredients. When the meat and celery are tender,
and the ſauce rich and good, ſerve it up. It is alſo very good
this way : take ſix large cucumbers, ſcoop out the ſeeds, pare
them, cut them into ſlices, and do them juſt as you do the

               To make Beef Alamode.
    TAKE a ſmall buttock of Beef, or leg-of-mutton-piece,
or a piece of buttock of beef ; alſo a dozen cloves, eight
blades of mace, and ſome all-spice beat very fine ; chop a
large handful of parſley, and all ſorts of herbs very fine ; cut
your bacon as for beef a la daub, and put them into the ſpice
and herbs, with ſome pepper and ſalt, and thruſt a large pin
through the beef ; put it into a pot, and cover it with water ;
chop four large onions and four blades of garlic very fine, ſix
bay-leaves, and a handful of champignons ; put all into the
pot with a pint of porter or ale, and half a pint of red-wine ;
cover the pot very cloſe, and ſtew it for ſix hours, according
to the ſize of the piece ; if a large piece, eight hours ; then
take the beef out, put it in a diſh, cover it cloſe, and keep it
hot, take the gravy, and ſkim all the fat off ; ſtrain it through
a ſieve, pick out all the champignons, and put them into the
gravy ; ſeaſon it with Kian pepper and ſalt, and boil it up fif-
teen minutes ; then put the beef into a ſoup diſh and the gra-
vy over it, or cut it into ſlices and pour the liquor over it ; or
put it into a deep diſh, with all the gravy into another : when
cold cut it in ſlices, and put ſome of the gravy round it,
which will be of a ſtrong jelly.

               Beef Alamode in Pieces.
   YOU muſt take a buttock of beef, cut it into two-pound
pieces, lard them with bacon, fry them brown, put them into
a pot that will juſt hold them, put in two quarts of broth or
gravy, a few ſweet herbs, an onion, ſome mace, cloves, nut-
meg, pepper and ſalt ; when that is done, cover it cloſe, and
ſtew it till it is tender, ſkim off all the fat, lay the meat in
the diſh, and ſtrain the ſauce over it. You may ſerve it up
hot or cold.

               To make Mutton-Broth.
    TAKE a neck of mutton about ſix pounds; cut it in two, boil
the ſcrag in a gallon of water, ſkim it well, then put in a little
bundle of ſweet herbs, an onion, and a good cruſt of bread.
Let it boil an hour, then put in the other part of the mutton, a
turnip or two, ſome dried marigolds, a few cives chopped fine,
a little parſley chopped ſmall; then put theſe in about a quarter
of an hour before your broth is enough. Seaſon it with ſalt; or
you may put in a quarter of a pound of barley or rice at firſt.
Some love it thickened with oatmeal, and ſome with bread; and
ſome love it ſeaſoned with mace, inſtead of ſweet herbs and
onion. All this is fancy, and different palates. If you boil
turnips for ſauce, do not boil all in the pot, it makes, the broth
too ſtrong of them, but boil them in a ſauce-pan.

    TAKE a leg of beef, crack the bone in two or three parts,
waſh it clean, put it into a pot with a gallon of water, ſkim it
well, then put in two or three blades of mace, a little bundle
of parſley, and a good cruſt of bread. Let it boil till the beef
is quite tender, and the ſinews. Toaſt ſome bread and cut it
in dice, and put it in your tureen ; lay in the meat, and pour
the ſoup in.

         To make Scotch Barley-Broth.
    TAKE a leg of beef, chop it all to pieces, boil it in three
gallons of water with a piece of carrot and a cruſt of bread, till
it is half boiled away ; then ſtrain it off, and put it into the pot
again with half a pound of barley, four or five heads of celery
waſhed clean and cut ſmall, a large onion, a bundle of ſweet
herbs, a little parſley chopped ſmall and a few marigolds. Let
this boil an hour. Take a cock, or a large fowl, clean picked and
waſhed, and put into the pot; boil it till the broth is quite good,
then ſeaſon with ſalt, and ſend it to table, with the fowl in the
middle. This broth is very good without the fowl. Take out
the onion and ſweet herbs, before you ſend it to table.
    Some make this broth with a ſheep's head inſtead of a leg of
beef, and it is very good ; but you muſt chop the head all to
pieces. The thick flank (about ſix pounds to ſix quarts of
water) makes good broth ; then put the barley in with the
meat, firſt ſkim it well, boil it an hour very ſoftly, then put
in the above ingredients, with turnips and carrots clean ſcrap-
ed and pared, and cut in little pieces. Boil all together ſoft-
ly, till the broth is very good ; then ſeaſon it with ſalt, and
ſend it to table, with the beef in the middle, turnips and car-
rots round, and pour the broth over all.