"Discoveries in Chic", from Vogue (January 1, 1928)
AN increasing number
of smart women are
discovering the chic of 
being comfortable.  The
chilly draughts of a country
house dining-room or
of a theatre in town have
too long been the cause
of winter colds and discomfort.
Even in the
most southerly resorts,
the sea breezes frequently
blow chill when one 
is dining under the stars. 
But, no longer need one
face these facts unprotected.
The little evening
jacket has arrived, and it
is one of the smartest accessories 
of the evening
mode, in addition to being
very, very useful.  These amusing jackets
made their first important appearance on
Long Island, just as the nights were growing
colder and many country houses were
found to be inadequately heated.  One smart
young woman wore one of cerise velvet over
her purple satin dress and matched her coat
with slim cerise satin slippers.  The effect
was utterly charming.  And there are many
other interesting combinations of materials
and colours that may be inspired by evening
gowns already in one's wardrobe.  No one
jacket can be worn with every kind of gown,
of course, as the jacket is smartest when
it is cut on lines similar to the gown beneath
and when the gown itself is simple.
The jacket illustrated above is of sheer
metal cloth lined with chiffon and is particularly
smart in cut.  It may be made
in a variety of materials in the French
dressmaking salon at Saks-Fifth Avenue.  Chez
Ninon has a jacket of gold cloth that is
fitted charmingly at the waist-line.  Rose Clark
makes little coats of chiffon to match her
gowns and trims the jacket with brilliants or
beads if the dress is so trimmed.  Coats of this
type must have sleeves in them, as warmth is
their reason for existing.  They are a little different
in feeling from the paillette "smokings"
that Chéruit made last season, for they are
less a part of the gowns they accompany, although,
of course, they must never look as
though they did not belong.  Vogue has heard
older women sigh with pleasure over this jacket
idea.  It is a particular blessing to the smart
grandmother who finds that she is often uncomfortably
cool in a low-necked, sleeveless
gown.  Now, she can discard her shawls and be
comfortable and also in the mode.
    But, whether one is a grandmother or a
young lady of fashion, these jackets are
equally serviceable and charming, giving renewed
impetus to the mode of contrast.  
ANOTHER charming fashion that is surpassed
in comfort only by its chic is the
tiny flat fur scarf that is worn inside of a 
tweed coat of the Chanel type.  These
tiny fur pieces are made of the softest of
furs and are attached in one place in the
inside of the back of the coat collar.  They
are really nothing more than a fur muffler,
and they are indescribably comfortable on a
cold day.  Kurzman has a beige tweed coat with
a scarf of this type of plucked golden sisliki.
This fur is as soft and pliable as moleskin and
is the type that should be used.  Shaved caracal,
beaver, and nutria are also becoming and
appropriate for these scarfs.  A coat loses none
of its smart tweedish look by such an addition,
and it gains greatly in warmth.  The
scarf may be worn tightly around the throat
in choker fashion or folded in front, as illustrated
in the sketch.

EVERY season, the Paris
collections show occasional 
among those for evening—
with a pendant or a brooch
at the point of the décolletage;
but, this season,
there are numerous examples
of this decorative fashion.
Chanel has used a clear
crystal pendant on a black
chiffon evening gown and, in
another instance, has accented
the V of a pink satin
dress with a small conventionalized 
rose of the same
pink satin.  A white moire gown from Chantal
has the same effective decoration.  These gowns
are shown on pages 74 and 75.  An infinite variety
of these ornaments have been used
on other smart models, as well, and the
shops now offer many suggesions along thses
lines.  Lord and Taylor shows crystal, topaz,
and aquamarine pendants in their excellent 
jewellery department.  Here, too, are several
smart brooches set with
cut crystal and coloured

NEWS from Paris
tells of many daytime
scarfs.  One that is
very smart for Southern
wear is shown in 
the sketch at the upper
right and is made of
light wool shantung with
a brilliant pattern.  
Chanel created this scarf
and gave it special chic
by using this new material
and cutting it 
exactly on the bias,

which gives grace to the
drapery.  The use of bright
colours—red and blue on
white—is another smart detail.
This scarf was first 
found in the sports department
at Wanamaker's, where
it met with great success.
It is also shown by Saks-Fifth
Avenue and Bonwit
Teller, attached to a sweater-coat
in dark blue with red
and white stripes.  Another
smart scarf, made by Reboux,
is of sheer velvet printed with beige dots on a 
black ground.  It, too, is cut on the bias, and it
is about a yard long, with each end cut in a 
point below an applied band of turquoise-blue
silk.  The band on one side is in a deeper shade
than that on the other.  Saks-Fifth
Avenue has imported this 
scarf and will reproduce it in
dotted silks for Southern wear.

A VERY gay fashion that has found its
way into the sports world is the polka-dotted
kerchief sash
or belt.  It is a diagonally
folded square
worn in place of the
tailored belt of last
year.  Very smart ones
are shown at Best's
and are worn with
white silk dresses of
the tennis type.  The
favourite combination
is a white dot on a 
dark blue ground.  Ties
and scarfs to match
are charming additions
to the white 
sports frock.