lawes of the LACEDÆMONIANS, but he ſhall finde great contra-
rietie of him amongeſt the hiſtoriographers.
trauaill out of his countrie, of his deathe and making of lawes, of his
forme and gouernment, and order of executing the ſame, they haue
written diuerſely.
gree worſt about the time he liued in.
ſtotle is of that number) will needes haue him to haue bene in the time
of Iphytus, and that he dyd helpe him to ſtabliſh the ordinaunce that
all warres ſhould ceaſe during the feaſt of the games olympicall: for a teſtimonie whereof,
they alledge the copper coyte which was vſed to be throwen in thoſe games, and had founde
grauen vpon it, the name of Lycurgus.
the kings of LACEDÆMON (as Eratosthenes, and Apollodorus) ſaye he was many yeres before
the firſt Olympiades. Timæus alſo thincketh there were two of this name, and in diuers times:
howbeit the one hauing more eſtimation then the other, men gaue this Lycurgus the glorie of
both their doings.
write they ſawe him.
the time of the Heraclides, who were neereſt of bloude by deſcent to Hercules. For it is likely
Xenophon ment not thoſe Heraclides, which deſcended from Hercules ſelf: for the laſt kings of
SPARTA were of Hercules progenie, aſwell as the firſt.
which doubtles were the firſt and neareſt before Hercules time.
riographers haue written diuerſely of him, yet we will not leaue to collect that which we finde
written of him in auncient hiſtories, and is leaſt to be denied, and by beſt teſtimonies moſt to be
mus: and the moſt parte doe write the pettigree otherwiſe, aſwell of Lycurgus ſelf, as of Eunomus.
For they ſaye, that Patrocles the ſonne of Aristodemus begate Sous, and Sous begate Eurytion, and
Eurytion begate Prytanis, and Prytanis begat Eunomus, and Eunomus begat Polydectes of his firſt
wife, and Lycurgus of the ſecond wife, called Dianaſſa:
Lycurgus the ſixte of deſcent in the right line from Polydectes, and the eleuenth after Hercules.
Ilotes, and made them ſlaues, and dyd enlarge and increaſe their dominion, with the lands and
poſſeſſions they had got by conqueſt of the Arcadians.
on a time ſtraightly beſieged by the CLITORIANS, in a hard drye grounde, where no water
could be founde: offered them thereupon to reſtore all their lands againe that he had gotten
from them, if he and all his companie dyd drincke of a fountaine that was there not farre of.
The CLITORIANS dyd graunte vnto it, and peace alſo was ſworne betweene them.
called all his ſouldiers before him, and tolde them if there were any one amongeſt them that
would refrayne from drincking, he would reſigne his kingdome to him:
one in all his companie that could (or would) forbeare to drincke, they were ſo ſore a thirſt.
they all drancke hartely except him ſelf, who being the laſt that came downe, dyd no more but
a litle moyſte his mowthe without, and ſo refreſhed him ſelf, the enemies ſelues ſtanding by,
and drancke not a droppe.
had promiſed, alledging they had not all droncke.