The firſt exploit this new Prince did, was the
murdering of Poſthumus Agrippa; whom a Centurion reſolute and
appointed for the purpoſe, and taking him vnarmed, and
nothing, yet could hardly diſpatch.Tiberius made no words of
this to the Senate, but pretended that it was done by his fathers appointment;
who (as he ſaid) had giuen charge to the Centurion which had the garding
of him, to make him away incontinently after he had intelligence of his death.
Little doubt but Augustus, complaining of the yong mans vntowardly
behauior, cauſed his exile to be confirmed by decree of the Senate: but yet
he neuer perſiſted long in deſiring the death of any of his;
neither was it credible that to aſſure the eſtate to his wiues
ſonne, he would ſeeke the bloud of his owne nephew. But very likely
it is, that the yong mans death was haſtened by Tiberius feare, and
Liuiaes hatred: the one as iealous, leaſt he ſhould bandie for
the ſoueraigntie: the other through the naturall hatred incident to all ſtepmothers.
When the Centurion brought him word (as the manner of ſeruice was) that
he had fulfilled his commandement, he anſwered preſently, that he commanded
him no ſuch matter, and that he ſhould anſwere it before the Senate.When
this newes came to Criſpus Sallustius eares (who being inward in greateſt
ſecrets with Tiberius, had by letters giuen the Centurion order how
to proceede) fearing leaſt his owne turne ſhould be next, dangerous
to him alike: to confesse the truth, or to ſtand to a lye: aduiſed
Liuia that ſhe ſhould not in any wiſe diuulgate the ſecrets
of her houſe, the counſell of friends, and ſeruices of ſouldyers;
and that Tiberius ſhould beware of weakening the power of ſoueraign-tie,
in referring all things to the Senate:the qualitie of abſolute rule
being ſuch, that it could not ſtand but in one alone.