Excerpt from A Larger Discourse of the Same Voyage, by Abacuk Pricket, 1625

        Wee were victualled for ſixe moneths in good proportion, and of that which was good : if our
Maſter would haue had more, he might haue had it at home and in other places. Here we were
now, and therefore it behoued vs ſo to ſpend, that wee might haue (when time came) to bring
vs to the Capes where the Fowle bred, for that was all the hope wee had to bring vs home.
Wherefore our Maſter tooke order, firſt for the ſpending of that wee had, and then to increaſe it,
by propounding a reward to them that killed either Beaſt, Fiſh, or Fowle, as in his Iouruall (sic) you
haue ſeene. About the middle of this moneth of Nouember, dyed Iohn Williams our Gunner.
God pardon the Maſters vncharitable dealing with this man. Now for that I am come to ſpeake
of him, out of whoſe aſhes (as it were) that vnhappy deed grew which brought a ſcandall vpon
all that are returned home, and vpon the action it ſelfe, the multitude (like the dog) running after
the ſtone, but not at the caſter : therefore,not to wrong the liuing,nor ſlander the dead, I will (by
the leaue of God) deliuer the truth as neere as I can.
        You ſhall vnderſtand, that our Maſter kept (in his houſe at London) a young man,named Hen-
rie Greene
, borne in Kent, of Worſhipfull Parents, but by his lewd life and conuerſation hee had
loſt the good will of all his frinds, and had ſpent all that hee had. This man, our Maſter would
haue to Sea with him , becauſe hee could write well : our Maſter gaue him meate, and drinke,
and lodging, and by meanes of one Maſter Venſon, with much adoe got foure pounds of his
mother to buy him clothes, wherewith MaſterVenſon, would not truſt him : but ſaw it laid out
himſelfe. This Henrie Greene was not ſet downe in the owners booke, nor any wages made
for him. Hee came firſt aboord at Graueſend, and at Harwich ſhould haue gone into the
field, with one Wilkinſon. At Iſland the Surgeon and hee fell out in Dutch, and hee beat
him a ſhoare in English, which ſet all the company in a rage ; ſo that wee had much adoe to
get the Surgeon aboord. I told theMaſter of it, but hee bade mee let it alone, for (ſaid
hee) the Surgeon had a tongue that would wrong the beſt friend hee had. But Robert Iuet (the
Maſters Mate) would needs burne his finger in the embers, and told the Carpenter a long tale
(when hee was drunke) that our Maſter had brought in Greene to cracke his credit that
ſhould diſpleaſe him s: which words came to the Maſters eares, who when hee vnderſtood
it, would haue gone backe to Iſland, when he was fortie leagues from thence, to haue ſent home
his Mate Robert Iuet in a Fiſher-man. But, being otherwiſe perſwaded, all was well. So Henry
ſtood vpright, and very inward with the Maſter, and was a ſeruiceable man euery way
for manhood : but for Religion he would ſay, he was cleane paper whereon he might write what
hee would. Now, when our Gunner was dead, and (as the order is in ſuch caſes) if the company
ſtand in need of any thing that belonged to the man deceaſed , then is it brought to the Mayne
Maſt, and there ſold to them that will giue moſt for the ſame : This Gunner had a gray cloth
gowne, which Greene prayed the Maſter to friend him ſo much as to let him haue it, paying for
it as another would giue : the Maſter ſaith hee ſhould , and thereupon hee anſwered ſome, that
ſought to haue it, that Greene ſhould haue it, and none elſe,and ſo reſted.
        Now out of ſeaſon and time, the Maſter calleth the Carpenter to goe in hand with an houſe
on ſhoare, which at the beginning our Maſter would not heare, when it might haue beene done.
The Carpenter told him,that the Snow and Froſt were ſuch, as hee neither could, nor would goe
in hand with ſuch worke. Which when our Maſter heard, hee ferreted him out of his Cabbin
to ſtrike him,calling him by many foule names, and threatning to hang him. The Carpenter
told him that hee knew what belonged to his place better then himſelfe, and that hee was no
Houſe Carpenter. So this paſſed, and the houſe was (after) made with much labour, but to
no end. The next day after the Maſter and the Carpenter fell out , the Carpenter tooke his
Peece and Henry Greene with him, for it was an order that none ſhould goe out alone , but one
with a Peece, and another with a Pike. This did moue the Maſter ſo much the more againſt
Henry Greene, that Robert Billet his Mate muſt haue the gowne , and had it deliuered vnto him ;
which when Henry Greene ſaw,he challenged the Maſters promiſe : but the Maſter did ſo rule
on Greene, with ſo many words of diſgrace, telling him, that all his friends would not truſt him
with twenty ſhillings, and therefore why ſhould he ? As for wages he had none, nor none ſhould
haue,if he did not pleaſe him well.Yet the Maſter had promiſed him to make his wages as good,
as any mans in the ſhip; and to haue him one of the Princes guard when we came home.But you
ſhall ſee how the deuil out of this ſo wrought withGreen, that he did the Maſter what miſchiefe
hee could in ſeeking to diſcredit him , and to thruſt him and many other honeſt men out of the
Ship in the end. To ſpeake of all our trouble in this time of Winter (which was ſo cold, as it la-
med the moſt of our Company, and my ſelfe doe yet feele it) would be too tedious.
        But I muſt not forget to ſhew , how mercifully God dealt with vs in this time ; for the
ſpace of three moneths wee had ſuch ſtore of Fowle of one kinde (which were Partridges as
white as milke) that wee killed aboue an hundred dozen , beſides others of ſundry ſorts: for
all was fiſh that came to the net. The Spring comming,this Fowle left vs, yet they were
with vs all the extreame cold. Then in their places came diuers ſort of other Fowle, as
Swanne, Geeſe, Duck, and Teale, but hard to come by. Our Maſter hoped they would
haue bred in thoſe broken grounds, but they doe not : but came from the South, and flew to the
North,further then we were this Voyage;yet if they be taken ſhort with the wind at North, or
North-weſt, or North-eaſt, then they fall and ſtay till the winde ſerue them , and then flye to
the North. Now in time theſe Fowles are gone, and few or none to bee ſeene. Then wee
went into the Woods, Hilles, and Valleyes, for all things that had any ſhew of ſubſtance
in them, how vile ſoeuer : the moſſe of the ground, then the which I take the powder of
a poſt to bee much better, and the Frogge ( in his ingendring time as loathſome as a
Toade) was not ſpared. But amongſt the diuers ſorts of buds, it pleaſed God that Tho-
mas Woodbouſe
brought home a budde of a Tree, full of a Turpentine ſubſtance. Of this our
Surgeon made a decoction to drinke, and applyed the buddes hot to them that were troubled
with ach in any part of their bodies ; and for my part,I confeſſe, I receiued great and preſent eaſe
of my paine.
        About this time, when the Ice began to breake out of the Bayes, there came a Sauage to our
Ship, as it were to ſee and to bee ſeene , being the firſt that we had ſeene in all this time : whom
our Maſter intreated well, and made much of him , promiſing vnto himſelfe great matters by
his meanes, and therefore would haue all the Kniues and Hatchets ( which any man had) to
his priuate vſe, but receiued none but from Iohn King the Carpenter , and my ſelfe. To
this Sauage our Maſter gaue a Knife , a Looking-glaſſe, and Buttons, who receiued them
thankefully , and made ſignes that after hee had ſlept hee would come againe , which
hee did. When hee came, hee brought with him a Sled, which hee drew after him, and
vpon it two Deeres skinnes, and two Beauer skinnes. Hee had a ſcrip vnder his arme , out
of which hee drew thoſe things which the Maſter had giuen him. Hee tooke the Knife and
laid it vpon one of the Beauer skinnes, and his Glaſſes and Buttons vpon the other, and ſo gaue
them to the Maſter, who receiued them ; and the Sauage tooke thoſe things which the Maſter
had giuen him, and put them vp into his ſcrip againe. Then the Maſter ſhewed him an Hatchet,
for which hee would haue giuen the Maſter one of his Deere skinnes, but our Maſter would
haue them both , and ſo hee had , although not willingly. After many ſignes of people to the
North,and to the South,and that after ſo many ſleepes he would come againe, he went his way,
but neuer came more.
        Now the Ice being out of the Sounds,ſo that our Boat might go from one place vnto another,
a company of men were appointed by the Maſter to go a fiſhing with our net ; their names were
as followeth: William Wilſon, Henry Greene, Michael Perce, Iohn Thomas, Andrew Moter, Bennet
, and Arnold Lodlo. Theſe men, the firſt day they went, caught fiue hundred fiſh,as big
as good Herrings, and ſome Troutes : which put vs all in ſome hope to haue our wants ſupplied,
and our Commons amended : but theſe were the moſt that euer they got in one day , for many
dayes they got not a quarter ſo many. In this time of their fiſhing, Henry Green and William Wil-
with ſome others, plotted to take the net and the ſhallop, which the Carpenter had now ſet
vp, and ſo to ſhift for themſelues. But the ſhallop being readie, our Maſter would goe in it him-
ſelfe,to the South and South-weſt, to ſee if hee could meete with the people ; for, to that end
was it ſet vp, and (that way) wee might ſee the Woods ſet on fire by them. So the Ma-ſter tooke the Sayue [sic] and the Shallop, and ſo much victuall as would ſerue for eight or nine
dayes, and to the South hee went. They that remained aboord, were to take in water, wood,
and ballaſt , and to haue all things in a readineſſe againſt hee came backe. But hee ſet no time
of his returne ; for he was perſwaded, if he could meet with the people, hee ſhould haue fleſh
of them , and that good ſtore : but hee returned worſe then hee went forth. For, hee could
by no meanes meete with the people, although they were neere them, yet they would ſet the
woods on fire in his ſight.
        Being returned, hee fitted all things for his returne, and firſt, deliuered all the bread out of the
bread roome (which came to a pound a piece for euery mans ſhare) and deliuered alſo a Bill of
Returne,willing them to haue that to ſhew,if it pleaſed God, that they came home: and he wept
when hee gaue it vnto them. But to helpe vs in this poore eſtate with ſome reliefe, the Boate
and Sayue went to worke on Friday morning,and ſtayed till Sunday noone : at which time they
came aboord, and brought foureſcore ſmall Fiſh, a poore reliefe for ſo many hungry bellies. Then
we wayed, and ſtood out of our wintering place, and came to an Anchor without, in the mouth
of the Bay:from whence we wayed and came to an anchor without in the Sea,where our bread
being gone, that ſtore of cheeſe we had was to ſtop a gap, whereof there were fiue, whereat the
company grudged, becauſe they made account of nine.But thoſe that were left,were equally diuided
by the Maſter although he had counſell to the contrarie:for there were ſome who hauing it,
would make haſt to bee rid thereof , becauſe they could not gouerne it. I knew when Henrie
gaue halfe his bread, which hee had for fourteen dayes,to one to keepe, and prayed him
not to let him haue any vntill the next Munday : but before Wedneſday at night,hee neuer left
till hee had it againe , hauing eaten vp his firſt weekes bread before. So Wilſon the Boat-
ſwaine hath eaten (in one day) his fortnights bread, and hath beene two or three dayes ſicke for
his labour. The cauſe that moued the Maſter to deliuer all the Cheeſe,was becauſe they were not
all of one goodneſſe, and therefore they ſhould ſee that they had no wrong done them :but euery
man ſhould haue alike the beſt and the worſt together , which was three pounds and a halfe for
ſeuen dayes.
        The wind ſeruing , we weighed and ſtood to the North-weſt, and on Munday at night ( the
eighteenth day of Iune) wee fell into the Ice, and the next day the wind being at Weſt, we lay
there till Sunday in ſight of Land. Now being here, the Maſter told Nicholas Simmes, that there
would be a breaking vp of cheſts, and a ſearch for bread,and willed him (if hee had any) to bring
it to him, which hee did, and deliuered to the Maſter thirty cakes in a bagge. This deed of the
Maſter (if it bee true) hath made mee maruell, what ſhould bee the reaſon that hee did not ſtop
the breach in the beginning, but let it grow to that height, as that it ouerthrew himſelfe and ma-
ny other honeſt men : but there are many deuices in the heart of man , yet the counſell of the Lord
ſhall ſtand
        Being thus in the Ice on Saturday, the one and twentieth of Iune at night, Wilſon the
Boatſwayne, and Henry Greene came to mee lying ( in my Cabbin) lame, and told mee that they
and the reſt of their Aſſ ciates,would ſhift the Company,and turne the Maſter, and all the ſicke
men into the ſhallop,& let them ſhift for themſelues.For,there was not fourteen daies victual left
for all the Company,at that poore allowance they were at, and that there they lay , the Maſter
not caring to goe one way or other: and that they had not eaten any thing theſe three dayes, and
therefore were reſolute , either to mend or end, and what they had begun they would goe
through with it,or dye. When I heard this, I told them I maruelled to heare ſo much from them,
conſidering that they were married men,and had wiues and children,and that for their ſake they
ſhould not commit ſo foule a thing in the ſight of God and man , as that would bee ; for why
ſhould they baniſh themſelues from their natiue Countrie? Henry Greene bad me hold my peace,
for he knew the worſt, which was,to be hanged when hee came home, and therefore of the two
he would rather be hanged at home then ſtarued abroad : and for the good will they bare me,they
would haue mee ſtay in the Ship. I gaue them thankes, and told them that I came into her,not
to forſake her,yet not to hurt my ſelfe and others by any ſuch deed. Henry Greene told me then,
that I muſt take my fortune in the Shallop.If there bee no remedie (ſaid I) the will of GOD
bee done.
        Away went Henry Greene in a rage , ſwearing to cut his throat that went about to diſturbe
them,and left Wilſon by me, with whom I had ſome talke,but to no good : for he was ſo perſwa-
ded,that there was no remedie now,but to goe on while it was hot,leaſt their partie ſhould faile
them, and the miſchiefe they had intended to others ſhould light on themſelves. Henry Greene
came againe, and demanded of him what I ſaid, Wilſon anſwered, He is in his old ſong, ſtill pati-
ent. Then I ſpake to Henry Greene to ſtay three dayes, in which time I would ſo deale with the
Maſter,that all ſhould be well. So I dealt with him to forbeare but two dayes nay twelue houres;
there is no way then (ſay they) but out of hand. Then I told them , that if they would ſtay till
Munday,I would ioyne with them to ſhare all the victuals in the ſhip,and would iuſtifie it when
I came home ; but this would not ſerue their turnes. Wherefore I told them , it was ſome worſe
matter they had in hand then they made ſhew of, and that it was bloud and reuenge hee ſought,
or elſe he would not at ſuch a time of night vndertake ſuch a deed. Henry Greene (with that) ta-
keth my Bible which lay before me, and ſware that hee would doe no man harme,and what hee
did was for the good of the voyage,and for nothing elſe ; and that all the reſt ſhould do the like.
The like did Wilſon ſweare.
        Henry Greene went his way, and preſently came luet, who becauſe hee was an ancient man,
I hoped to haue found ſome reaſon in him ; but hee was worſe then Henry Greene, for hee ſware
plainely that he would iuſtifie this deed when he came home. After him came Iohn Thomas,and
Michel Perce,as birds of one feather: but becauſe they are not liuing I will let them goe, as then
I did. Then came Moter and Bennet, of whom I demanded, if they were well aduiſed what
they had taken in hand. They anſwered, they were, and therefore came to take their oath.
        Now,becauſe I am much condemned for this oath, as one of them that plotted with them,
and that by an oath I ſhould bind them together to performe what they had begun, I thought
good heere to ſet downe to the view of all , how well their oath and deedes agreed : and thus it
was. You ſhall ſweare truth to God, your Prince and Countrie : you ſhall doe nothing, but to the glory of
God , and the good of the action in hand, and harme to no man.
This was the oath, without ad-
ding or diminishing. I looked for more of theſe companions (although theſe were too many) but
there came no more. It was darke , and they in a readineſſe to put this deed of darkneſſe in exe-
cution. I called to Henry Greene and Wilſon, and prayed them not to goe in hand with it in the
darke,but to ſtay till the morning. Now, euerie man (I hope) would goe to his reſt, but wic-
ſleepeth not ; for Henry Greene keepeth the Maſter company all night (and gaue mee
bread, which his Cabbin-mate gaue him) and others are as watchfull as he. Then I asked Henrie
, whom he would put out with the Maſter? he ſaid, the Carpenter Iohn King, and the ſicke
men. I ſaid, they ſhould not doe well to part with the Carpenter, what need ſoeuer they should
haue. Why the Carpenter was in no more regard amongſt them , was ; firſt, for that he
and Iohn King were condemned for wrong done in the victuall. But the chiefeſt cauſe was, for
that the Maſter loued him, and made him his Mate, vpon his returne out of our wintering place,
thereby diſplacing Robert Billet , whereat they did grudge , becauſe hee could neither write nor
read. And therefore (ſaid they) the Maſter and his ignorant Mate would carry the Ship whither
the Maſter pleaſed : the Maſter forbidding any man to keepe account or reckoning, hauing taken
from all men whatſoeuer ſerued for that purpoſe. Well, I obtained of Henrie Greene and Wilſon,
that the Carpenter ſhould ſtay, by whoſe meanes I hoped (after they had ſatiſfied themſelves)
that the Maſter, and the poore man might be taken into the Ship againe. Or, I hoped, that ſome
one or other would giue ſome notice, either to the Carpenter Iohn King, or the Maſte r; for ſo it
might haue come to paſſe by ſome of them that were the moſt forward.
        Now, it ſhall not bee amiſſe to ſhew how we were lodged, and to begin in the Cooke roome;
there lay Bennet and the Cooper lame ; without the Cooke roome, on the ſteere-board ſide, lay
Thomas Wydhouſe ſicke ; next to him lay Sydrack Funer lame, then the Surgeon, and Iohn Hudſon
with him ; next to them lay Wilſon the Boatſwaine, and then Arnold Lodlo next to him: in the
Gun-roome lay Robert Iuet and Iohn Thomas ; on the Lar-boord ſide , lay Michael Bute and A-
dria Moore
, who had neuer beene well ſince wee loſt our Anchor; next to them lay Michael
and Andrew Moter. Next to them without the Gun-roome, lay Iohn King, and with him
Robert Billet: next to them my ſelfe,and next to me Francis Clements: In the mid-ſhip,betwcene [sic]
the Capſtone and the Pumpes , lay Henrie Greene and Nicholas Simmes. This night Iohn King
was late vp,and they thought he had been with the Maſter,but he was with the Carpenter, who
lay on the Poope , and comming downe from him, was met by his Cabbin-mate , as it were by
chance,and ſo they came to their Cabbin together. It was not long ere it was day : then came
Bennet for water for the Kettle, hee roſe and went into the Hold: when hee was in,they ſhut the
Hatch on him (but who kept it downe I know not) vp vpon the Deck went Bennet.
        In the meane time Henrie Greene, and another went to the Carpenter , and held him with a
talke, till the Maſter came out of his Cabbin (which hee ſoone did) then came Iohn Thomas and
Bennet before him, while Wilſon bound his armes behind him. He asked them what they meant?
they told him, he ſhould know when he was in the Shallop. Now Iuet, while this was a doing,
came to Iohn King into the Hold, who was prouided for him, for he had got a ſword of his own,
and kept him at a bay, and might haue killed him, but others came to helpe him : and ſo he came
vp to the Maſter. The Maſter called to the Carpenter, and told him that he was bound ; but, I
heard no anſwere he made. Now Arnold Lodlo, and Michael Bute rayled at them, and told them
their knauerie would ſhew it ſelfe. Then was the Shallop haled vp to the Ship ſide , and the
poore , ſicke , and lame men were called vpon to get them out of their Cabbins into the
Shallop. The Maſter called to me, who came out of my Cabbin as well as I could, to the Hatch
way to ſpeake with him : where, on my knees I beſought them, for the loue of God, to remem-
ber themſelues,and to doe as they would be done vnto. They bad me keepe my ſelfe well, and
get me into my Cabbin ; not ſuffering the Maſter to ſpeake with me. But when I came into my
Cabbin againe, hee called to me at the Horne, which gaue light into my Cabbin, and told mee
that Iuet would ouerthrow vs all; nay (ſaid I) it is that villaine Henrie Greene, and I ſpake it
not ſoftly.
        Now was the Carpenter at libertie, who asked them , if they would bee hanged when they
came home : and as for himſelfe, hee ſaid , hee would not ſtay in the Ship vnleſſe they
would force him : they bad him goe then, for they would not ſtay him: I will (ſaid hee) ſo
I may haue my cheſt with mee, and all that is in it: they ſaid, hee ſhould, and preſently they
put it into the Shallop. Then hee came downe to mee, to take his leaue of mee, who perſwaded
him to ſtay , which if he did, he might ſo worke that all ſhould bee well: hee ſaid, hee did not
thinke, but they would be glad to take them in againe. For he was ſo perſwaded by the Ma-
ſter, that there was not one in all the ſhip, that could tell how to carrie her home ; but (ſaith
he) if we muſt part ( which wee will not willingly doe , for they would follow the ſhip) hee
prayed me , if wee came to the Capes before them, that I would leaue ſome token that wee had
beene there, neere to the place where the Fowles bred, and hee would doe the like for vs : and ſo
(with teares) we parted. Now were the ſicke men driuen out of their Cabbins into the Shallop;
but Iohn Thomas was Francis Clements friend, and Bennet was the Coopers, ſo as there were
words betweene them and Henrie Greene, one ſaying,that they ſhould goe , and the other ſwea-
ring that they ſhould not goe , but ſuch as were in the ſhallop ſhould returne. When Henrie
heard that, he was compelled to giue place, and to put out Arnold Lodlo, and Michael
, which with much adoe they did.
        In the meane time, there were ſome of them that plyed their worke, as if the Ship had beene
entred by force , and they had free leaue to pillage , breaking vp Cheſts , and rifling all places.
One of them came by me, who asked me, what they ſhould doe. I anſwered, hee ſhould make an
end of what hee had begun ; for I ſaw him doe nothing but ſharke vp and downe. Now, were
all the poore men in the Shallop , whoſe names are as followeth; Henrie Hudſon, Iohn Hudſon,
Arnold Lodlo, Sidrack Faner, Phillip Staffe, Thomas Woodhouſe
, or Wydhouſe, Adam Moore, Henrie
King, Michael Bute
. The Carpenter got of them a Peece,and Powder,and Shot,and ſome Pikes,
an Iron Pot, with ſome meale, and other things. They ſtood out of the Ice , the Shallop being
faſt to the Sterne of the Shippe, and ſo ( when they were nigh out , for I cannot ſay , they
were cleane out ) they cut her head faſt from the Sterne of our Ship , then out with their Top-
ſayles,and towards the Eaſt they ſtood in a cleere Sea. In the end they tooke in their Top-ſayles,
righted their Helme,and lay vnder their Fore-ſayle till they had ranſacked and ſearched all pla-
ces in the Ship. In the Hold they found one of the veſſels of meale whole , and the other halfe
ſpent, for wee had but two; wee found alſo two firkins of Butter, ſome twentie ſeuen piece of
Porke,halfe a buſhell of Peaſe, but in the Maſters Cabbin we found two hundred of bisket Cakes,
a pecke of Meale,of Beere to the quantitie of a Butt, one with another. Now, it was ſaid, that
the Shallop was come within ſight, they let fall the Main-ſayle, and out with their Top-ſayles,
and flye as from an Enemy.
        Then I prayed them yet to remember themſelues: but William Wilſon (more then the reſt)
would heare of no ſuch matter. Comming nigh the Eaſt ſhoare they caſt about, and ſtood to the
Weſt and came to an Iland, and anchored in ſixteene or ſeuenteene fathome water. So they ſent
the Boat,and the Net aſhoare to ſee if they could haue a Draught : but could not for Rocks and
great ſtones. Michael Perſe killed two Fowle, and heere they found good ſtore of that Weede,
which we called Cockle-graſſe in our wintering place, whereof they gathered ſtore, and came a-
board againe. Heere we lay that night, and the beſt part of the next day, in all which time we
ſaw not the ſhallop, or euer after. Now Henrie Greene came to me and told mee,that it was the
Companies will, that I ſhould come vp into the Maſters Cabbin, and take charge thereof. I told
him it was more fit for Robert Iuet: he ſaid, he ſhould not come in it, nor meddle with the Ma-
ſters Card, or Iournals. So vp I came, and Henrie Greene gaue me the Key of the Maſters Cheſt,
and told me then, that he had laid the Maſters beſt things together, which hee would vſe him-selfe
when time did ſerue : the bread was alſo deliuered me by tale.
        The wind ſeruing, we ſtood to the North-eaſt, and this was Robert Billets courſe, contrarie to
Robert Iuet, who would haue gone to the North-weſt. We had the Eaſterne ſhoare ſtill in ſight,
and (in the night) had a ſtout gale of wind, and ſtood a+fore it, till wee met with Ice , into the
which we ranne from thinne to thicke, till we could goe no further for Ice, which lay ſo thicke
ahead of vs (and the wind brought it after vs aſterne) that wee could not ſtirre backward , nor
forward : but ſo lay imbayed fourteene daies in worſe Ice, then euer wee met to deale withall,
for we had beene where there was greater ſtore, but it was not ſo broad vpon the water as this:
for this floting Ice contained miles, and halfe miles in compaſſe, where we had a deepe Sea, and
a Tide of flood and ebbe, which ſet North-weſt and South-eaſt. Heere Robert Iuet would haue
gone to the North-weſt, but Robert Billet was confident to go through to the North-eaſt, which
he did. At laſt, being cleere of this Ice, he continued his courſe in ſight of the Eaſterne ſhoare,
till he raiſed foure Ilands which lay North and South : but we paſſed them ſixe or ſeuen leagues,
the wind tooke vs ſo ſhort. Then wee ſtood backe to them againe, and came to an Anchor be-
tweene two of the moſt Northermoſt. We ſent the Boat aſhoare,to ſee if there were any thing
there to be had, but found nothing, but cockle Graſſe, whereof they gathered ſtore, and ſo retur-
ned aboard. Before we came to this place, I might well ſee, that I was kept in the ſhip againſt
Henry Greenes minde,becauſe I did not fauour their proceedings better then I did. Then hee be-
gan (very ſubtilly) to draw me to take vpon me to ſearch for thoſe things, which himſelfe had
ſtolne: and accuſed me of a matter no leſſe then Treaſon amongſt vs , that I had deceiued the
company of thirtie Cakes of bread. Now they began to talke amongſt themſelues, that Eng-
was no ſafe place for them, and Henry Greene ſwore, the ſhippe ſhould not come into any
place (but keepe the Seaſtill) till he had the Kings Majeſties hand and Seale to ſhew for his ſafe-tie.
They had many deuices in their heads, but Henry Greene in the end was their Captaine, and
ſo called of them.