Excerpt from a description of ‘The Venereal Disease’ in John Marten’s A Treatise Of all the Degrees and Symptoms of the Venereal Disease, In both Sexes, 1708
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Some ſay it is a Diſtemper very Malignant, Poyſonous
and Contagious, others differ ſo much from
that Opinion, as to ſay, the higheſt degree of Infection
has no Malignity in it at all, and that whenever
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they meet with a Patient that has a Clap, do, as faſt
as poſſible, adminiſter Medicines to ſtop the Running,
without any regard to what other Symptoms occur;
for that when the Running once ceaſes, all the other
Symptoms, (which, as they alledge, ever ſpring only
from the Running) go off in courſe, without any
detriment to the Patient. But let thoſe that believe
ſo, do ſo if they will, I am ſatisfy’d, and too many
unfortunate People can very readily agree with me,
that it is the only ſure way to Pox the Patient, and
when once that is done, the Symptoms and Conſequences,
will ſpeak too plainly how far they have
been in the wrong, and what injury they have done
the poor Patient. Several Inſtances of which kind,
the Reader will obſerve, before he gets to the end
of this Book. But this by the way.
Perſons in Years may alſo be infected by the
immodeſt open-Mouth’d, laſcivious Kiſſings of Venereal
People, eſpecially thoſe of them that have Ulcers
in their Mouths or Throats, and where at the ſame
time they dwell as it were upon their Lips and
Mouths, reiterating wanton, unſeemly Kiſſes, thereby
conveying their ſlimy, infectious Slaver, to ſuch; I
ſay, grown Perſons by that means may, and frequently
have gotten the Venereal Diſtemper, but
then generally they have been obſerv’d to complain
of their Throats firſt, it ſeizing them after the ſame
manner, as if ſome Cold had been taken, the Saliva
of the Pocky Perſon communicating its infectious
Streams no farther at firſt, than about the Glandules
in thoſe Parts, and which if not ſpeedily minded, Inflames,
Ulcerates, and ſpreads its Infection to the no
ſmall damage of the Patient.
To this way of Infection alſo a certain Learned
Author aſſents, who ſays, that if it be received only
by Kiſſing of the Lips, it Bloſſoms there firſt, and
appears with Scabby Eruptions, and a ſore Mouth
or Throat; but if it be gotten by the Tail, ’tis not
preſently Charactered in the Face or other Parts,
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but ſtays ſome time in the lower Parts, the place
of its Conception or Birth, and afterwards upon neglect
or ill management, or both, Travels into other
Regions of the Body, and appears here and there,
with variety of ugly Shapes, and unwholeſome Salutes
to its new Quarters, ſuch as Pains, Pimples,
Itch, Spots, Scurf, Scabs, &c.
But Infections this way, that is, by Kiſſing, are
ſoon cured, if taken in time; indeed in Children
much more difficultly, what with their not being
ſuſpected by the Parent or Attendant, of having
any ſuch Infection, and alſo not being capable of
complaining, and their tenderneſs (as obſerv’d before)
much ſooner attracting the Taint, it is the
more eaſily diffus’d and radicated, than in grown
Perſons, which with their incapacity of going thro’ a
Method that is proper, renders them conſequently
much harder of Cure, as the following Inſtance will
A Child that I had in hand, ſome Years ſince, upon
ſucking a Wet-Nurſe, to whom it was put out
in the Country, grew ill, accompanied with breakings
out all over the Head and Face, (the Child
being perfectly well when it went Home)
I going one Day to ſee it, and taking notice of the
Nurſe, obſerv’d ſhe had a ſore Eye; upon a narrow
Enſpection of it, I had ſufficient cauſe of ſuſpicion,
whereupon I examin’d her concerning it, and tax’d
her with having the Diſtemper, which at firſt ſhe
denied, but afterwards when I had told her I was
poſitive it was ſo, and declared to her my Reaſons for
it, (other Symptoms concurring) and at the ſame
time urging her to acknowledge it; ſhe, with ſome
Reluctancy and Shame confeſſed the whole matter,
ſaying, ſhe got it from her Husband, who (by the
Character I afterwards heard of him) I do believe
was only in the Fault, not but that the Nurſe was
exceedingly to blame, and indeed very indiſcreet and
baſe to take the Child to Suckle, when (whatever
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Excuſes ſhe made to the contrary) ſhe could not but
beforehand be ſenſible of her Condition; but notwithſtanding
all the prudent endeavours, and neceſſary
means that could be uſed, as well by the Preſcripions
of an Eminent Phyſician, as my own, to ſave the poor
Infant, it daily grew worſe and worſe, and ſoon after
died in a moſt miſerable condition, to the no ſmall
trouble of the tender and honeſt Parents, whoſe Grief,
as may eaſily be ſuppos’d, was ſo much the more aggravated,
as the manner of its Death was woful and
This ſingle inſtance, without enumerating others of
the like kind, which have occurr’d in my Practice,
may ſerve for a Caution to Parents to be wary and
careful what Wet-Nurſes they chooſe, and alſo to
wholſome Nurſes what Children they take to Suckle,
the danger being almoſt equal both to the one and
the other, ſince many Children that are Born of
Venereal Parents, bringing the Diſtemper into the
World with them, do, upon being put out to Nurſes to
Suckle, very often convey the Infection; as was the
condition of a Nurſe that I lately Cured, who by giving
Suck to a Pocky Child, of about two Months
Old, had her Breaſts all over ſpread with a Humour,
beginning firſt at the Nipples, which ſwell’d the
Glands, and Tumiſied, before ſhe ſo much as imagin’d
what ſhould be the Cauſe thereof; till upon
growing worſe, with breakings out, Inflammation and
Pain, ſhe ſought for help, and was told it was Venereal;
and making application to me, by the recommendation
of another, I ſoon recover’d her to her
Health, which ſhe now enjoys.
Likewiſe a good ſober Woman, who had Suckled
ſeveral Gentlemen’s Children, to their great ſatiſfaction,
as good a Nurſe perhaps as can be, upon
giving Suck to a Child, ſeemingly, as ſhe thought,
very Healthy, (only had ſome breakings out about it,
which the Mother ſaid was only Heat and ſharp
Humours) was exceedingly infected with the Pox,
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her Nipples breaking out, her Throat ſore, with Ulcers,
a Hoarſeneſs, and Pains about her, &c. at firſt
ſhe did not mind it, not in the leaſt ſuſpecting any
harm; but when it invaded her Throat, cauſing
Hoarſneſs, as alſo Pains in her Limbs, and breakings
out on the Privy Parts, &c. ſhe began to fear, and
came for my Advice; for her Cure I advis’d to a
Salivation, which ſhe is now preparing for, and will
go into as ſoon as the Ulcers in her Throat are ſo well
amended as to give leave.
Alſo divers others of the like Infections have happen’d
in my Practice, to the Diſadvantage, and ſometimes
Ruin, both of Nurſes and Children, the ſmalleſt
Species of the Diſeaſe being ſufficient many times,
eſpecially in Children, and other tender Conſtitutions
to infect either, by which means many Families have
been undone, who not knowing for a long time what
has ail’d them, and little dreaming of ſuch a Diſtemper,
or the poſſibility of getting it that way, have
been drill’d along in a miſtaken Courſe, till (when
too late perhaps) it has been diſcover’d that their Diſtempers
were Venereal.
And ’tis not to be doubted, but that numbers of Perſons,
more eſpecially Children, are yearly deſtroy’d
in this City, by means of that Diſeaſe, notwithſtanding
they paſs in the Bills of Mortality for Fevers, Convulſions,
Conſumptions, Gripings in the Guts, Rickets, King’s-Evil,
Worms, Teeth, and the like; tho’ at the ſame time
it might be, that they died of thoſe Diſtempers, but
then too often cauſed by, and complicated with, the
Venereal Infection, ſo as juſtly enough to be term’d
Pocky Conſumptions, Pocky King’s-Evil, & c. and indeed
it is great pity poor innocent Babes, (they always
fairing the worſe under ſuch a Diſaſter) ſhould
be (as they too frequently are) depriv’d of their
Lives, and at beſt of their Healths, by the barbarous
Treatment of their polluted Attendants; who, tho’
they too well know before-hand what Diſtempers they
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have upon them, will, for the lucre of a little Money,
run the hazard of the Childrens Lives.
And not only do Children become Sufferers by Wet-Nurſes,
but alſo by Nurſery-Maids, many of whom,
however paſſing for modeſt Perſons, have ſecret Venereal
Infirmities upon them, which they too often
communicate to the Children they lie with, whoſe
open Pores by Sweating, do attract thoſe infectious
Streams, and which has ſoon after appear’d, as I
have obſerv’d in ſeveral Children, either by breakings
out about the Body, Sore-Eyes, Swellings, or after
ſome other manner diſcovering it ſelf, ſo as not to be
doubted but that it is Venereal, and which for ſome
time perhaps has not been in the leaſt ſuſpected by the
Parents, to be what it has proved; for which reaſon
Parents can never be too careful what Servants they
take to Bed with, and bring up their Children, ſince
ſo many Miſchiefs by means thereof, have too demonſtrably
accrued; among ſeveral of which that I could
recollect, I ſhall take notice only of one, that happen’d
but very lately, and is as follows, viz.
A Nurſery-Maid that had the care of the two
youngeſt Children of an eminent Shop-keeper in this
City, committed to her, was one day obſerv’d by
ſome of the Family, to have divers Medicines in her
Trunk, as Pills, Electuaries, Powders, Balſams, &c.
and being ask’d what ſhe did with them? ſhe anſwer’d,
that ſhe always kept ſuch by her, in caſe any
illneſs ſhould happen to her, pretending that ſhe had great
skill in Diſtempers. Some ſhort time after this, the
two Children ſhe attended grew ill, with loſs of Stomach,
being hot and feveriſh, and upon one of them
aroſe a ſwelling under the Ear, and in one of the Arm-pits,
which rendred it very froward; the other had
Sore-Eyes and Breakings-out in many places of the
Head, Face and Body, attended with a violent hot,
ſharp Humour upon the lower Parts; in ſhort, both
of them were ſo bad, that notwithſtanding the endeavours
of an Apothecary that was employ’d to adminiſter
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to them, they grew worſe and worſe; upon
which he adviſed them to a Surgeon, and mentioning
me, I was ſent for; when I was there, after inquiring
into their Conditions, ask’d what they had taken?
which, when I had been inform’d, and being what
was proper, told the Parents, I wonder’d thoſe attempts
ſhould prove fruitleſs, and that their Caſes
muſt needs be rebellious to reſiſt thoſe Medicines; beſides
it was ſomething unaccountable, that two Children
(who, as I was told, were ever till then very
healthy) ſhould fall ill, almoſt all of a ſudden, and
after ſuch a manner, and wiſh’d it was no hurt; upon
which they ask’d me what I meant by ſaying ſo? I
preſently enquired for the Perſon that attended them;
and ſhe that lay with them being in the Room, I
ask’d her how ſhe did, for that I ſuppos’d ſhe was
their Bedfellow, and whether ſhe had any Breakings
out, &c. ſhe immediately anſwer’d no, and that ſhe
lay with them, but for her part was as well as ever
ſhe was in her Life: So I ſaid no more, but after ordering
what they ſhould do at home for them, and
telling the Parents I would ſend what was neceſſary,
went away. After I was gone, the Parents were uneaſie
at my Expreſſions, not knowing what I meant,
which the Servant that had ſeen the Medicines in the
Nurſery-Maids Trunk, obſerving, told her Miſtreſs
thereof, and ſaid, ſhe fear’d the Nurſery-Maid had given
the children ſome Phyſick that had done them harm;
upon this they immediately calls and asks her, but
ſhe poſitively deny’d it; but ſuſpecting ſomething of
the matter, would needs ſee her Trunk, wherein
among many Boxes and Pots, &c. they found a written
Paper of Directions for the taking of her Medicines,
and dreſſing her Sores in the Groins and other
Parts; and they remembring my words, ask’d her
what Diſtemper ſhe had? and ſent immediately away
for me. When I came, I found them all alarm’d,
and after telling me what had occur’d, ask’d my Opinion;
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upon which, I told them plainly, I believ’d
their Children had got the foul Diſeaſe, but how they
came by it I knew not, unleſs by lying with the Nurſery-Maid.
It was thereupon agreed that I ſhould
examine her, which accordingly I did, but ſhe with a
great deal of Confidence denied it, and not only ſo, but
that ſhe would make me prove my Words, but however,
the more ſhe denied it, the more I aſſerted it,
and what with urging her, threatning her, and telling
her I was ſure what I ſaid was true; ſhe began to
relent, and at laſt told me her Condition, and how
ſhe came by the Infection, but ſtill upon my promiſe
of Secrecy, and that I would intercede with her Maſter
and Miſtreſs for her, which I did, who after
ſome exclamations and ſharp reprimands, diſcharged
her of their Service. This Creature had a Sore,
Scabby Head, which run much, had an Ulcer in
each Groin, and ſeveral Sores beſides, attended with
malignant Eruptions and Puſtules in ſeveral other
parts of her Body, which by lying between the two
Children, one of them about two, the other above
three years old, and Sweating often with Medicines
which ſhe ſaid ſhe took , muſt needs have convey’d
the Infection to them, and which, under God, I ſet
them free from, tho’ not without a great deal of difficulty,
and no ſmall time; but ſo deplorable were
their conditions, that I often fear’d the Succeſs, they
for a long time appearing to all, eſpecially one of them,
more likely to die than to live.
A Child alſo of an Apothecary that was infected
by the naſty Slavering of a Pocky Servant-Maid that
attended it, it appearing in the child’s Mouth, which
was grievous Sore, I Cured; as alſo the Wenches
Ulerated Throat and Hoarſeneſs, which ſhe at firſt
call’d a Cold. Being alſo reccomended to my Care
by her Maſter, who took, more compaſſion on her
than ſhe deſerv’d. But I ſhall not ſtand to enumerate
Inſtances here, intending to be more particular as I
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paſs along, and take notice of divers, where they may
pertinently be incerted.
Many are the ways aſſign’d by Authors of the Propagation
of the Venereal Diſtemper, ſeveral of which,
(as I ſhall by and by mention) ſeem very abſurd and
irrational, and which I ſhould particularly here enlarge
upon, and ſhew the fallacy of, but for brevity ſake,
I having never in all my Practice, (which has been
none of the leaſt) obſerv’d any one Perſon really to
have gotten the Diſeaſe thoſe ways, tho’ I have made
the moſt exact Enquiry into ſeveral Patients, who (to
ſcreen their Guilt) have endeavour’d to amuſe me
therewith, tho’ afterwards confeſs’d the contrary:
Thoſe Authors aſſerting that the Diſtemper is to be gotten
by barely lying in the ſame Bed with an infected
Perſon, (of which I ſhall anon ſay more) or after ſuch
in the ſame Sheets, or by wearing their Cloaths, Gloves,
&c, or by ſitting preſently after them on the ſame
Cloſe-ſtool, or by Drinking out of the ſame Pot or
Glaſs immediately after them, or by receiving the
Breath of infected Perſons, by talking with them,
or the like, which tho’ nothing be more common, than
that the Patient to avoid the Shame and Diſgrace of
having gotten it by Copulation, will pretend, and
work ſome (eſpecially over-credulous or ignorant
People) into the belief of, and at the ſame time pleaſe
themſelves to ſee them impos’d upon, (as certain Matrons
which Gabriel Fallopius in his Book De Morbo Gallico,
cap. 10. takes notice of Scoffingly, who having the Venereal
Diſtemper, and willing to be accounted Chaſt,
would have it believed by their Phyſicians, &c. that
they got it by ſprinkling themſelves with Holy-Water,
which ſome Pocky Perſons had polluted) yet is what
Men skill’d in the Diſtemper can quickly ſee thro’
and detect; and indeed are ſuch ridiculous Fancies,
that I have often wonder’d any ſhould take up with
and believe them; for beſides my own Obſervations,
I never by all the Enquires I have made of Men of
Buſineſs, could learn that any of them ever met with
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one that really was infected thoſe ways; and the
more I have improv’d in the Knowledge of the Venereal
Diſeaſe, the more I have been convinc’d of the
impoſſibility thereof; for were ſuch a thing poſſible,
how univerſally would the Diſtemper be ſpread
how many hundreds, I may ſay thouſands, would be
daily in danger of getting it? and how few by this
time would have eſcaped it, I leave all Perſons to
judge? but the Reaſons thoſe Authors aſſign to maintain
their Opinion, are no other than what are eaſie
to be confuted, and indeed ſo weak and groundleſs,
as not worth Time and Pains to take notice of.