Articles on 18th Century English Printing, Editing, and Punctuation:

Warren Hill Kelly’s bibliography

Amory, Hugh. "What Murphy Knew: His Interpolations in Fielding’s Works (1762), and Fielding’s Revisions of Amelia". Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 77.2 (1983): 133-66.

Bandry, Anne. "Tristam Shandy ou le plaisir du tiret". Etudes Anglaises 41.2 (April-June 1988), 143-154.

Barchas, Janine. "Sarah Fielding’s Dashing Style and Eighteenth Century Print Culture". ELH 63.3 (Fall 1996), 633-656.

Barlow, William P., Jr. "A Baskerville Collection: Contemporary Collectors, LIII". The Book Collector 38.2 (Summer 1989), 171-191.

Battestin, Martin. "Fielding’s Revisions of Joseph Andrews". Studies in Bibliography 16 (1963): 81-118.

Battestin, Martin. "A Rationale of Literary Annotation: The Example of Fielding’s Novels". Studies in Bibliography 34 (1981): 1-22. Rpt. in Literary and Historical Editing. Ed. George L. Vogt and John Bush Jones. Lawrence: U of Kansas Libraries, 1981. 57-79.

Biedermann-Pasques, Liselotte. "Approche d’une histoire du point d’exclamation". Faits de Langues: Revue de Linguistique. September 6, 1995, 13-22.

Birn, Raymond. "The Printed Word in the Eighteenth Century". Eighteenth Century Studies 17.4 (Summer 1984).

Borck, Jim S. "Blake’s ‘The Lamb’: the Punctuation of Innocence". Tennessee Studies in Literature 19 (1974), 163-175.

Bowers, Fredson. "The Text of Johnson". Modern Philology 61 (1964): 298-309.

Brack, O.M. Jr. "The Ledgers of William Strahan". Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1968, 59-77.

Brainerd, Barron. "The Contractions of Not: a Historical Note". Journal of English Linguistics 22.2 (October 1989), 176-196.

Bronson, Bertrand H. "Printing as an Index of Taste in Eighteenth-Century England". Bulletin of the New York Public Library 62 (1958): 373-387, 443-462.

Brownley, Martine Watson. "Samuel Johnson and the Printing Career of Hester Lynch Piozzi". Bulletin of John Rylands University of Manchester, England 67.2 (Spring 1985), 623-640.

Capraro, Rocco Lawrence. "Political Broadside Ballads in Early Hanoverian England". Eighteenth Century Life 11 (May 1987), 12-21.

Cauwels, Janice Marie. "Authorial ‘Caprice’ vs. Editorial ‘Calculation’: The Text of Elizabeth Inchbald’s Nature and Art". Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 72 (1978): 169-185.

Craddock, Patricia B. "Gibbon’s Revision of the Decline and Fall". Studies in Bibliography 21 (1968): 191-204.

Dearing, Vinton A. "New Light on the First Printing of the Letters of Pope and Swift". Library 4th. ser. 24 (1943): 74-80.

Eaves, T. C. Duncan, and Ben D. Kimpel. "Richardson’s Revisions of Pamela". Studies in Bibliography 20 (1967): 61-88.

Eddy, Donald D. "The Printing of Fielding’s Miscellanies (1743)" Studies in Bibliography 15 (1962), 247-256.

Eilon, Daniel. "Swift Burning the Library of Babel". The Modern Language Review 80.2 (April 1985), 269-282.

Feather, John. "John Nourse and His Authors". Studies in Bibliography 34 (1981), 205-225.

Ferdinand, C. Y. "Benjamin Collins: Salisbury Printer; Papers Presented at the Symposium on the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue in July 1982". Searching the Eighteenth Century. London: British Library and the U of London, 1 983, 74-92.

Garber, Marjorie. " ‘ ‘ (Quotation Marks)". Critical Inquiry 25.4 (Summer 1999), 653-679.

Grundy, Isobel. "Editing Lady Mary Wortley Montagu". In Editing women, ed. Ann M. Hutchison. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998, pp. 55-78.

Hazen, A. T. "New Style in Typography". The Age of Johnson: Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker. Ed. Wilmarth S. Lewis. New Haven: Yale UP, 1949. 403-409.

Hicks, Philip. "Bolingbroke, Clarendon, and the Role of Classical Historian". Eighteenth Century Studies 20.4 (Summer 1987), 445-471.

Hunter, David. "Printing Technology: A Review Essay". Libraries and Culture: A Journal of Library History 23.3 (Summer 1988), 374-380.

Hunter, David. "Print Technology and the English Novel". Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 304 (1992), 1084-87.

Isaac, Peter. "Collecting William Bulmer, Fine Printer: Contemporary Collectors LI". Book Collector 37.2 (Summer 1988), 225-234.

Keast, W. R. "The Preface to A Dictionary of the English Language: Johnson’s Revision and the Establishment of the Text". Studies in Bibliography 5 (1953): 129-146.

Kenyon, Ralph. "On the Use of Quotation Marks". ETC.: A Review of General Semantics 51.1 (Spring 1994), 47-50.

Kingscott, Geoffrey. "Abbtrans: Or, Hints on the Translation of Abbreviations, Acronyms, Short Forms, and Contractions". Language International: the Magazine for the Language Professions 3.1 (February 1991), 17-20.

Mack, Maynard. "The First Printing of the Letters of Pope and Swift". Library 4th ser. 19 (1939): 465-485.

McLaverty, J. "The First Printing and Publishing of Pope’s Letters". The Library 2 (1980), 264-280.

McMinn, Joseph. "Printing Swift". Eire Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies 20.1 (Spring 1985), 143-149.

Maner, Martin. "’The Last of the Learned Printers’: John Nichols and the Bowyer-Nichols Press". English Studies 65.1 (February 1984), 11-22.

May, James E. "Determining Final Authorial Intention in Revised Satires: The Case of Edward Young". Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 276-289.

May, James E. "Young’s corrections to Dodington’s epistle to Bute: evidence from the Yale manuscript". Studies in Bibliography 46 (1993), 270-82.

Mitchell, C. J. "Provincial Printing in Eighteenth Century Britain." Publishing History: the Social, Economic and Literary History of the Book, Newspaper, and Magazine Publishing 21 (1987), 5-24.

Mitchell, Jim. "The Spread and Fluctuation of Eighteenth Century Printing". Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 230 (1985), 305-321.

Morris, John. "A Bookbinding Made for Charles Cameron, c1786: English and Foreign Bookbindings 70". The Book Collector 44.1 (Spring 1995), 72-74.

Morris, John. "Note 429: Charles Cleland, Bookbinder, Edinburgh". The Book Collector 38.4 (Winter 1989), 372-374.

Moss, Roger B. "Sterne’s Punctuation". Eighteenth Century Studies 15.2 (Winter 1981-1982), 179-200.

Mylne, Vivienne. "The Punctuation of Dialogue in Eighteenth Century French and English Fiction". The Library 1 (1979), 43-61.

Nerius, Dieter. "On the Linguistic Basis for the Use of Capital Letters". Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of Linguistics, 1982. Tokyo: Tokyo Press, 1983.

Ong, Walter. "Samuel Johnson and the Printed Word". Review 10 (1988), 97-112.

Parsons, Terence. "What Do Quotation Marks Name? Frege’s Theories of Quotations and That-Clauses". Philosophical Studies 42.3 (November 1982), 315-328.

Patterson, Diana. "John Baskerville, Marbler". The Library 12.3 (September 1990), 212-221.

Percy, Carol. "In the margins: Dr. Hawkesworth’s editorial emendations to the language of Captain Cook’s journals". English studies 77.6 (1996), 549-78.

Perkins, Michael. "William Eyres and the Warrington Press". Aspects of Printing: From 1600. Oxford: Oxford Polytechnic P, 1987, 69-89.

Peterson, Leland D. "Revisions of Swift’s ‘On the day of judgement’. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 86.4 (1992), 461-71.

Reid, Hugh. "The Printing of Joseph Warton’s Odes". Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 84.2 (June 1990), 151-157.

Rizzo, B. "’Hail Printing!’: The Commonwealthman’s Salute to the Printed Word in Eighteenth Century England". Archives et Bibliotheques de Belique Archif en Bibliotheekwezen in Belgie 54:1-4 (1983), 141-150.

Robinson, Gwen G. "The Punctator’s World: A Discussion, Part Five: Logic Takes Over: 1750-1800". Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 25:2 (Fall 1990)

Robinson, Gwen G. "The Punctator’s World: A Discussion, Part Six: Era of Resolution: 1750-1800". Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 26.1 (Spring 1991), 83-138.

Ross, Ian Campbell. "New puzzles over the editing of Tristram Shandy: a response". Review 9 (1987), 329-51.

Ross, J. C. "A Progress Report upon a Study of Samuel Palmer: A London Printer as Icarus". An Index of Civilization: Studies of Printing and Publishing History in Honour of Keith Maslen. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Center for Bibl iographical and Textual Studies, 1993.

Rothman, Irving N. "Donald Govan: Defoe’s Glasgow Printer of The Family Instructor". The Bibliotheck: A Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics 12.3 (1984), 70-83.

Rothman, Irving N. "Coleridge on the semi-colon in Robinson Crusoe: problems in editing Defoe". Studies in the Novel 27.3 (1995), 320-40.

Simpson, Percy. Proof-reading in the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. Oxford: Clarendon, 1935.

Smith, John. The Printer’s Grammar. London, 1755.

Soupel, Serge. "Ambiguites ou deviances dans la prose et dans la presentation du roman anglais au milieu du dix-huitieme siecle; Actes du seminaire organise par le Centre de Recherche sur l’Angleterre des Tudors a la Regence de l’Universite de Li lle III en 1981-83". Conformite et deviances. Lille: P U Lille III, 1984, 95-109.

Stephenson, Dick. "The Company of Flying Stationers: Ballad and Chapbook Distribution in the 18th Century". Le passe present: Etudes sur la culture britannique pre-industrielle: Melanges en l’honneur d’Andre Parreaux. Par is: Inst. d’Anglais, 1988, 93-104.

Sterenberg, Alan. "The Spread of Printing in Suffolk in the Eighteenth Century; Papers Presented at the Symposium on the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue in July 1982". Searching the Eighteenth Century. London: British Libra ry and the U of London, 1983, 28-42.

Stokes, R. "Dr. Johnson at Work". Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest, Calgary, AB. 15 (1984), 1-16.

Stuber, Florian. "On Original and Final Intentions, or Can There Be an Authoritative Clarissa?" TEXT: Transactions of the Society of Textual Scholarship 2 (1985), 229-244.

Sullivan, Garrett A., Jr. "’A Story to Be Hastily Gobbled Up’: Caleb Williams and Print Culture". Studies in Romanticism 32.3 (Fall 1993), 323-337.

Vander-Meulen, David. "The Identification of Paper Without Watermarks: The Example of Pope’s Dunciad". Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 37 (1984), 58-81.

Vander-Meulen, David. "Pope’s Revisions during Printing: A Variant Section of The Dunciad". Modern Philology 78.4 (1981), 393-398.

Vander-Meulen, David. "The Printing of Pope’s Dunciad, 1728". Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 35 (1982), 271-285.

Weber, Rose-Marie. "Variation in Spelling and the Special Case of Colloquial Contractions". Visible Language 20.4 (1986), 413-426.

Wendorf, Richard. "Robert Dodsley as Editor". Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 235-248.

Williams, Harold. "Deane Swift, Hawkesworth, and The Journal to Stella". Essays in the Eighteenth Century Presented to David Nichol Smith. Ed. James Sutherland and F. P. Wilson. Oxford: Clarendon, 1945. 33-48.

Woolley, James. "Sarah Harding as Swift’s Printer". Walking Naboth’s Vineyard: New Studies in Swift. Notre Dame, IN: U of Notre Dame P, 1994.